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The strength of a company lies in its diversity, just as the richness of nature lies in the biodiversity. At all levels, Air Liquide Vietnam is like an ecosystem : drawing its strength from its differences. 

Air Liquide is aware of the diversity’s added values and that is exactly why we are making it a point of honor to promote diversity at all levels : teams, markets, activities, location.

The quality of Air Liquide Vietnam products has been awarded with both Golden FDI and Golden Dragon awards for foreign invested companies in Vietnam. We draw our strength from the commitment and skills of our employees to provide best-in-class gases, technologies and services to all our customers. Our presence in the Southeast Asia provides a diverse platform to reach out to new talent in order to strengthen our network and sustain our business growth.

We are a key player in Vietnam with a real commitment to location and offering a platform for both Air Liquide Vietnam talent to learn and grow.


Introducing BeActEngage

The way we work at Air Liquide, BeActEngage, helps us face challenges and seize new opportunities in today’s fast-changing environment. It is about living our fundamentals, acting for our success, and creating an engaging environment.

Be is about living our fundamentals through your contributions that make Air Liquide a safe place to work, your behaviour and your engagement for our long-term performance.

Safety, Ethics, and Long-Term Performance have always been and will remain the foundation of our success.


Acting for our success relies on three words : Deliver, Care, and Adapt.

  • Deliver is about achieving short-term and mid-term results by taking ownership and being proactive.
  • Care about our customers, patients and  your colleagues is about embedding customer centricity and respectful teamwork in our environment.
  • Adapt is first about being aware of what is changing around us and then developing our ability to adapt, and promoting a continuous improvement mindset.


Engage is about leaders creating an engaging environment by giving Purpose, sharing the why. Trusting and being trusted.

Leaders who empower and give clear expectations as well as are walking the talk, and leaders who are growing our people by giving guidance and learning opportunities.


"I think Air Liquide understood that a virtuous company also passes through its employees well-being.  Safety and Caring are the keywords here."  
Nguyen Huy Phuc 
Bulk Logistics Manager
“Air Liquide isn’t just a simple gas supplier. What’s made its success is the fact that its work doesn’t stop after the customer’s delivery. She follows him all the long, as much as he will need her.”
Nguyen Thi Thu Hang
North Senior Sales Representative
"If I had to say a common point between all Air Liquide’s employees, I would say that it's the engagement we have for this company. To me, engagement shouldn’t be seen as a constraint, simply as the natural consequence of good working conditions and the fact we do like what we are doing, so, of course, we are involved in Air Liquide’s future.”
Nguyen Thi Phuong
Admin officer


Inclusion & Diversity

As part of the Group’s Sustainability Objectives, we are committed to creating equal opportunities for all, and promoting a diverse workplace, where each individual’s unique background (nationality, gender, and educational qualifications…) are sources of dynamism, creativity, and performance. We strongly believe that diversity is a great source of creativity and dynamism, which leads to better performance for all.

Job opportunities

For more than a century, Air Liquide has been building teams with a broad set of profiles, recruiting a wide range of people with diverse expertise, skills and experience. Discover our job opportunities.

Job opportunities worldwide